Rattenkot – wie er aussieht und wie man ihn erkennt! - IREPELL

Rat Poop: What It Looks Like and How to Recognize It!

Written by: Christian Hochmuth



Time to read 7 min

Do you suspect that you have found rat droppings in your house or garden? Then you should read this post to act right now, because
Rats are almost invisible to us humans. They are extremely shy, intelligent and nocturnal.
Rat poop, on the other hand, quickly and clearly reveals who you're dealing with – and how many of them.

Not only can rat infestation cause significant damage to your property, but it also poses a serious health risk. The first step to solving this problem is to identify signs of infestation. Rat droppings are often the clearest indication here. 

This article will guide you through the essential properties of rat faeces so that you can safely identify the excrement of these rodents. Because the early detection of rat droppings allows you to quickly take action to fight the rats and protect your property. 

What does typical rat faeces look like?

Typical rat faeces have a pronounced shape and size that differentiates them from otherpests. The droppings of these rodents are usually about 1.5 to 2 cm long and have a banana-like, spindle-shaped shape with pointed ends. The consistency and color of the feces may vary depending on the rat's diet, but most of the time it is dark brown to black.

Fresh rat droppings are soft and moist. Over time, it dries out and becomes harder. Discovering fresh feces is a strong sign that rats are actively around. A high proportion of fresh feces may indicate a larger or growing population. On the other hand, older, dried-out feces indicate that rats may have been in the area for some time.

Feces of a house rat or migratory rat feces?

The faeces of different rat species differ. Differentiating between the faeces of a domestic rat (Rattus rattus) and that of a migratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) can help determine the nature of the pest problem and develop an effective control strategy. 

Although the faeces of both species are similar in shape and color, there are noticeable differences that become visible on closer inspection.

Domesticrat faeces: Domestic rat faeces are slender and of medium size, typically about 1 cm long. It is characterized by pointed ends, which gives it a more spindle-shaped appearance. The consistency is slightly softer when the feces are fresh, and it hardens over time. Domestic rats tend to spread their feces in small amounts over a larger area, often close to where they found food.

Migratoryrat faeces: In comparison, the migratory rat's faeces are larger and more robust, usually between 1.5 and 2 cm long. The shape is similarly spindle-shaped, but the ends are more rounded and the overall shape looks more plump. Migratory rats are more likely to leave their feces in concentrated piles, suggesting that they are active in certain areas. This feces is often found along the rat's pathways or near their nest.

Where is rat faeces typically found?

Typically, rat droppings are found in hidden, sheltered areas where rats can eat, nest, or move about undisturbed. The most common locations include attics, basements, garages, and sheds. Rats prefer dark corners and hard-to-reach places behind appliances, near food supplies, or along walls where they feel safe. Often, rat droppings and rat construction are not far away from each other.

In the kitchen or pantries, rat droppings can be found in cupboards, under sinks, or near garbage disposal areas, as these places provide access to food. Rats also leave faeces along their walking paths, which they use regularly, such as along pipelines, skirting boards or on roof beams, where they are protected from predators.

Outside the house, rat droppings can often be found nearcompost heaps, stacks of wood, or in other quiet, screened areas that provide shelter and, ideally, food. Rats also use niches under sheds or near pet shelters - especially when pet food is accessible.

Rat faeces and its health risk

Care should be taken when handling rat faeces, as they can transmit pathogens. In order to minimize health risks, gloves and a respirator should be worn when cleaning. Equally important is a thorough disinfection of the affected areas to prevent the spread of diseases.

Pathogens can be transmitted by direct contact with the feces, via contaminated food or water, and by inhaling dust mixed with dried feces. 

Here are some of the main pathogens that can be found in rat feces:

  1. Hantavirus: This virus is mainly transmitted through the inhalation of dust contaminated with the urine, feces or saliva of infected rats. Hantavirus can lead to severe respiratory illness, known as hantaviruspulmonary syndrome, which can be fatal in severe cases.

  1. Leptospirosis: This condition is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. They can be transmitted via water or food contaminated withrat feces. Symptoms of leptospirosis can range from mild flu-like symptoms to severe conditions such as jaundice, kidney failure and meningitis.
  2. Rat bite fever:

  3. Caused by the bacteria Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus, which can be transmitted via bites, scratches or contact with contaminated feces. Rat bite fever leads to symptoms such as fever, muscle and joint pain, and rashes.

  4. Salmonellosis: This disease caused by salmonella can be transmitted by eating food or water contaminated withrat feces. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.

  5. Toxoplasmosis: Although commonly associated with cat feces, rats can also be carriers of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which causes toxoplasmosis. Infection can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.

  6. Trichinellosis: This disease caused by Trichinella spiralis can be transmitted when meat is eaten from infected rats, which can occur especially in regions without strict control of food. It leads to gastrointestinal discomfort, muscle pain and swelling.

Rat infestation is confirmed by rat faeces – what can be done?


If you find a rat infestation in your home or business, acting quickly and effectively is critical to minimizing health risks and preventing greater harm. Here are some steps you can take to control rats:

  • Inspection and identification: Thoroughly inspect your property for signs of rats, such as feces or traces of gnawing.

  • Sealing of access points: Seal all cracks, holes and openings through which rats could penetrate, especially in the foundation, walls and roofs.

  • Removal of food sources: Store food in tightly closed containers and dispose of your garbage regularly.
  • Eliminate water sources: Make sure there are no accumulations of water, as these can be an attractive drinking option for rats.

  • Use of traps and baits: Strategically position traps and/or rat venom where rat activity has been detected. Observe the safety of pets and children. Also, keep in mind that this is rarely an animal-friendly solution to the problem.

  • Get a device like IREPELL® that gently and non-violently repels rats without harming humans and nature.

Important: Pest control is a sensitive issue. Handling traps, poisons and fragrances is dangerous. One should be aware of the possible agonizing death of the animals, and especially children must be protected from accidental poisoning.

The possibility of secondary poisoning should also be addressed, as predators, pets and scavengers can also die if they eat a poisoned rat. Cats, the mouse buzzard, the red kite and red foxes can also be affected.

Rat poop - gently expel rats with ultrasound

Fighting rats with ultrasound - fighting rat infestation in a humane and environmentally friendly way is easier than ever thanks to modern technologies such as ultrasound. So if you discover rat droppings in your garden or in the house, ultrasound is definitely an option.

Ultrasonic devices use high-frequency sound waves that are imperceptible to the human ear to effectively expel rats from living areas, storage rooms, and gardens. These sound waves are extremely unpleasant for the sensitive ears of the rats.

The use of ultrasound to repel rats is not only free of chemicals and toxins, but also particularly safe for pets and children, as it leaves no toxic residues. 

With IREPELL®, you can rely on an efficient and sustainable solution to solve the problem ofrat infestation without harmful side effects.

Fight rats with IREPELL®

IREPELL® offers an innovative solution to prevent rat infestation. The compact device uses motion sensors and ultrasound to set up a 360°protection zone against rats.

Other advantages of IREPELL® are:

  • Different defense modes: Targeted settings for different animals, including a special mode for rats

  • Long range: Protects with a 360° shield with a far-reaching ultrasonic signal

  • Easy to use: Easy to install and control via a user-friendly app

IREPELL® works on the basis of scientific knowledge to repel – depending on the mode chosen – moths, mosquitoes, gels, ticks, cockroaches, mice or martens as well as dogs and cats: IREPELL ® is effective against a total of 16 animal species.

In addition, thanks to the high-performance battery, the device is the ideal companion for on the go, to keep barbecues, camping trips and the like pest-free. This makes the device a true all-rounder in gentle animal protection.


What does rat droppings look like?

Rat droppings are dark brown to black, about 1.5 to 2 cm long, spindle-shaped and often have pointed ends.

How do you tell if you have rats?

Signs of rat infestation include feces, traces of gnawing, damaged food packaging, running marks, and unusual noises such as scratching walls or attics.

How do I distinguish mouse faeces from rat faeces?

Mouse faeces are smaller than rat faeces, are usually about 0.5 cm long, while rat faeces are larger and thicker.

Which faeces resemble rat faeces?

Feces from larger squirrels can sometimes resemble rat feces, but is usually larger and may be less uniformly shaped.

What does fresh rat feces look like?

Fresh rat droppings are dark and moist. Over time, it becomes brighter and harder.

How to recognize rat faeces?

Rat droppings can be identified by their size, shape and the typical accumulations in strategic places such as near food sources or hiding places.

What is HantavirusDisease?

Hantavirusdisease is a viral infection transmitted by rodents that can lead to symptoms such as fever, muscle pain and, in severe cases, pulmonary edema and kidney failure in humans.

What are hantaviruses?

Hantaviruses are a group of viruses that are transmitted by rodents and can cause various diseases in humans, including hantaviruspulmonary syndrome and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.

How dangerous is rat faeces to human health?

Rat feces can contain various pathogens that can cause serious health problems, including leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and hantavirus infections. Contact with rat feces, especially inhalation of dust containing fecal particles, can lead to these diseases. It is important to take protective measures when handlingrat droppings or cleaning infested areas.