12 Hausmittel gegen Mücken und Gelsen - IREPELL

12 Home Remedies for Mosquitoes and Gels

Written by: Christian Hochmuth



Time to read 7 min

Summer evenings on the terrace or in the garden are a wonderful way to enjoy the warm days. But as soon as the sun goes down, we are often bothered by mosquitoes and gels. These little pests can quickly spoil the mood.

In order to protect themselves effectively against mosquito bites, many people resort to home remedies. We have compiled some of these for you in this article. We will tell you what natural methods there are and how you can use them to keep mosquitoes away.

What attracts mosquitoes in the first place?

Mosquitoes – often called gels in Austria and Germany – are attracted to various stimuli. Body odor and sweat odor play a major role in this. Because our body produces lactic acid and other fragrances that are particularly attractive to mosquitoes. In addition, mosquitoes react to the carbon dioxide we exhale.

Sweet fragrances such as perfumes can also attract mosquitoes. In addition, our clothing makes a difference: it is best to wear light-coloured clothing in order to be less attractive to mosquitoes.

Our body heat also magically attracts bloodsuckers, both indoors and outdoors. Especially when you go out into the countryside – perhaps even near standing waters, where mosquitoes particularly like to romp around – you need effective mosquito protection to protect yourself from bites and communicable diseases caused by differentmosquito species. The Asian tiger mosquito is on the rise in many regions and is a notorious carrier of diseases.

Why home remedies for repelling mosquitoes?

Home remedies are an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical mosquito repellents. These natural mosquito repellent methods are usually inexpensive and usually have no harmful side effects on health (unless you suffer from an allergy or intolerance).

Many home remedies are based on essential oils and natural fragrances that can keep mosquitoes away. They do not pollute the environment or the health of users.

That is why families with children, for example, like to use home remedies to drive away mosquitoes. But even if other animals – for example your own pets – should not be bothered, home remedies are increasingly being used.

12 popular home remedies for mosquitoes, gels and mosquitoes

Here we now show you 12 home remedies that are used particularly frequently in the fight against mosquitoes (mosquitoes). Some of them have a long tradition in repelling pests – but keep in mind that the effect is sometimes not proven.

1. Lemongrass

Lemongrass (also known as citronella) is often used to repel mosquitoes. The plant contains essential oils that are unpleasant for mosquitoes.

You can grow lemongrass as a plant in the garden or use the oil in a scented lamp. Alternatively, you can mix the oil with water and apply it to the skin.

2. Lavender

Lavender is often used to keep mosquitoes away, because its essential oils are intended to repel mosquitoes.

You can put dried lavender flowers in bags and place them near windows or vaporize the essential oil in a scented lamp. Lavender can also be grown in the garden.

Especially on summer evenings, lavender is extremely pleasant.

3. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is often used as a repellent: eucalyptus contains compounds that can deter mosquitoes.

You can use eucalyptus oil in sprays or dilute it in water and use it as a room spray. Evaporation of the oil in a diffuser is also a common method.

4. Garlic – also in food

Garlic is traditionally used to keep mosquitoes away. The intense smell of garlic has a deterrent effect on mosquitoes. You can spread garlic cloves around or make a garlic solution and apply it to the skin.

The consumption of garlic is also said to have a mosquito repellent effect – more precisely, the exhalations of our body after we have eaten it.

5. Vinegar

Vinegar is often used as a home remedy for mosquitoes. The sour smell of vinegar bothers mosquitoes and keeps them away.

You can place vinegar in small bowls or use vinegar water in a spray bottle to spray surfaces. However, do not use the solution on materials where it may cause stains and discoloration.

6. Citrus scents

Citrus scents such as lemon peels or oranges, peppered with cloves, are often used to deter mosquitoes. The fresh scent of citrus fruits is unpleasant for mosquitoes.

You can place citrus fruits in pots or spread them around the room as a natural fragrance. Lemon balm can also be used in a similar way.

7. Basil

Basil is often placed near windows or on balconies and also contains essential oils that mosquitoes don't like.

Basil can be grown directly in the garden or in pots on the windowsill. There, it is not only decorative, but also serves as a useful condiment in the kitchen.

8. Tomato plants

Tomato plants are often grown in the garden or on terraces. The leaves of the tomato plant contain compounds designed to repel mosquitoes.

You can place tomato plants near seating areas to keep mosquitoes away. At the same time, they produce tasty tomatoes that can be processed wonderfully in the kitchen.

9. Smoking

Often smoked with herbs such as sage, but also with cedar wood to keep mosquitoes away. The smoke of these herbs is unpleasant for mosquitoes. Dried herbs are ignited in a refractory bowl to release smoke into the air.

Coffee grounds can also be used for smoking – by the way, its smoke should also be able to keep wasps away.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar Spray

Apple cider vinegar spray is often used as a naturalmosquito spray. Mix apple cider vinegar with water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

This natural repellent can be spread on the skin or in the environment. Apple cider vinegar is easy to make and versatile. However, be sure to use the spray only where it does not cause stains or discoloration.

11. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is often used to repel mosquitoes and treat insect bites. It has a strong disinfectant effect and can be applied directly to the skin or diluted with water and used as a spray.

Tea tree oil is a versatile remedy that should not be missing in any medicine cabinet.

12. Catnip

Catnip is often planted in the garden or used as an essential oil. The plant contains nepetalactone, which is intended to deter mosquitoes.

Catnip is easy to cultivate and can be grown both in the garden and in pots on balconies or window sills.

At this point, it should be said again: Many home remedies are said to have an effect against mosquitoes, but this has often not been scientifically proven. The effect of plants that are simply planted in the garden or on the balcony is particularly sceptical. Many essential oils, on the other hand, have a quite observable effect against flying pests.

Further measures to combat mosquitoes

In addition to home remedies, there are other mosquito repellent measures. Many of them are used for prevention in order not to attract mosquitoes in the first place, while chemical repellents, for example, are often used to actively repel mosquitoes:

  • Rain barrels should be covered to avoid breeding grounds for mosquito larvae.
  • A well-maintained garden pond without standing water helps to reduce mosquito populations.
  • Light and long clothing can be chosen to be less attractive to mosquitoes.
  • Mosquito nets provide physical protection and are especially helpful at night.
  • Certain shower gels may contain ingredients that attract mosquitoes – they should be avoided.
  • Chemical mosquito repellent sprays contain substances that can keep mosquitoes at a distance.
  • Electric mosquito traps are often used, especially indoors.

Should a mosquito bite despite all precautions, there are various methods for treating mosquito bites. In addition to home remedies such as plantain, there are also special creams and heat sticks for the treatment of insect bites.

In order to keep the risk of annoying mosquito bites and the risk of communicable diseases as low as possible, effective mosquito repellent measures should be used. This is why IREPELL ® was developed – a compact device that uses ultrasound against mosquitoes.

Fighting mosquitoes without chemicals and odours – with IREPELL®

IREPELL ® offers an innovative solution for chemical- and odour-free mosquito repellent. The high-tech device uses ultrasound to expel mosquitoes without any fragrances or chemical additives.

Once activated, the device generates an ultrasonic predator sound. This imitates the natural predators of mosquitoes, which awakens their escape instinct. IREPELL ® provides 360°protection against the annoying bloodsuckers, but remains inaudible to them.

IREPELL® is extremely easy to use: the device is set up via the intuitive app, then it can be activated with just the push of a button on the housing. You can also switch between different defense modes via the app. Because IREPELL® is not only effective against mosquitoes, but also repels ticks, ants and moths as well as mice, rats or martens. A total of 16 different animal species can be targeted with IREPELL ®.

IREPELL ® can be operated both via the socket and its powerful battery, so that the smart device can also be used on the go. This versatility and high efficacy make IREPELL ® an excellent choice for anyone looking for a modern, sustainable and safe mosquito repellent solution.


What home remedies are there for mosquitoes in the room?

There are numerous home remedies for mosquitoes that you can try. These include essential oils, vinegar, citrus fruits and garlic.

How can I keep mosquitoes away from me?

Mosquitoes can be kept away both with home remedies (e.g. essential oils, vinegar, garlic) and with physical barriers (e.g. mosquito nets), chemical agents (mosquito repellent spray) and technological solutions such asIREPELL ®.

What to do about mosquitoes in the room at night?

To avoid mosquitoes in the room at night, you can use mosquito nets or essential oils. Ultrasound devices such asIREPELL ® can also be used, as they are not audible to humans.

Which do-it-yourself mosquito repellent is available?

There are some DIY home remedies that are commonly used against mosquitoes. One can use essential oils, smoke or even use garlic to try to repel mosquitoes.