Rattenplage – wann spricht man von einem Rattenbefall? - IREPELL

Rat Infestation: When Is It Called a Rat Infestation?

Written by: Christian Hochmuth



Time to read 5 min

A rat infestation is more than just a few rats roaming around your garden or house. Infection with rats can pose serious risks to health and property, so it is important to act quickly.

In this post, we will explain when a rat infestation is mentioned, how you can recognize the signs and what measures should be taken to combat it. To this end, we also shed light on modern methods such as the use of ultrasound equipment to expel and deter rats – chemical-free, non-violent and silent.

When is it called a rat infestation?

A rat infestation is when the number of rats is so high that it poses a threat to human health, the safety of buildings and hygiene. This can happen in urban as well as rural areas.

But how can you tell if only a single rat has strayed and is over the moon again, or if you are dealing with a full-blown infestation? Here are a few signs that indicate a rat infestation.

1. Visible rats during the day

Rats are nocturnal animals. If you see rats during the day, this indicates a large population of rodents that can no longer hide exclusively at night. So you know you have a real rat problem.

2. Frequent rat faeces findings

Rats leave behind small, dark, spindle-shaped excrements. In the case of a plague, these can be found in large numbers near food sources, along the walkways and in hiding places.

3. Damaged food supplies

Rats are omnivores and gnaw at anything that comes between their teeth. Damaged food packaging and gnawed supplies are a clear sign.

4. Traces of traces and buildings

Rats gnaw on wood, plastic, and other materials. Traces of furniture, cables and building structures as well as visible rat holes indicate an active population.

5. Noise in walls and ceilings

Scratching and scratching noises in walls and ceilings, especially at night, are a clear indication of a rat infestation.

6. Unpleasant smells

An ammonia smell caused by rat urine is a strong sign of a significant infestation.

What are the possible causes of a rat infestation?

Rat infestations can have various causes, but humans may have an influence on them. Therefore, let's get an overview of possible reasons for a rat infestation – because if you know what attracts rats, you can also prevent an infestation.

Food Sources

Rats are constantly looking for food. Open food scraps, unsecured garbage cans and outdoor pet food attract them. In urban areas, they find abundant food in the sewers and in waste places.

Water sources

Standing water, leaking faucets, and open rainwater barrels provide drinking opportunities for rats.

Shelter options

Dense vegetation, stacks of wood, garages and untidy sheds offer ideal nesting sites. Rats build their nests in protected, undisturbed areas.


Health risks from a rat infestation

Rats are not only annoying, but also dangerous. They are carriers of numerous pathogens that can be transmitted to humans and pets. Among the best known are:

  • Leptospirosis: This is a bacterial infection that is transmitted through contact with contaminated water or soil.

  • Hantavirus infection: Caused by contact with rat feces, urine or saliva, severe respiratory diseases can occur.

  • Salmonellosis: Transmitted via contaminated food, this disease causes severe gastrointestinal problems.

  • Weil's disease: It is a severe form of leptospirosis that can cause liver and kidney damage.

Measures to control a rat infestation

If an infestation of rats has been detected in the house, garden or farm, it is important to act quickly. Because the animals multiply rapidly, so that unnecessary delay can only aggravate the problem.

A wide variety of remedies can be used to combat a rat infestation. Not all are effective, and certainly not safe. Because traps, poison and the like sometimes pose serious dangers for you and your fellow human beings – not to mention the ethical aspects.

Traditional methods

Rat Poison

Rat venom is a widely used method of killing rats. However, it is risky as it can also be dangerous for pets and children. In addition, poisoned rats can be eaten by other animals, which leads to secondary poisoning.

Rat Traps 

Impact traps and live traps are effective tools for combating rats. Strike traps kill rats instantly, while live traps catch the animals alive so that they can be removed and released. Both methods require regular inspection and maintenance. In addition, the killing of rats in particular is contrary to animal welfare and (if you think of carcasses lying around) hygiene.

Modern methods to cope with a rat infestation

Fight rats with IREPELL®

IREPELL® offers an innovative solution to prevent rat infestation. The device combines motion sensors and ultrasound to ensure effective and animal-friendly rat defense. Because thanks to ultrasound, it triggers the animals' natural escape instinct without harming them – scientifically proven.

Other advantages of IREPPELL® are:

  • Different defense modes: The device does not only have a special mode for rats; choose from a total of 16 animal species that IREPELL ® can keep away.

  • Long range: IREPELL® protects with a 360° shield thanks to far-reaching ultrasound, while motion sensors detect activities in the environment.

  • Easy to use:IREPELL ® is easy to install and can be controlled via a user-friendly app.

IREPELL® can be connected directly to the mains or operated via the battery, so that you can make the most of the device on the go. Although the intuitive app is easy to use, high-tech works in the background to continuously improve IREPELL ® 's defence strategies – thanks to AI, humidity and temperature sensors.

IREPELL ® optimizes its approach not only against rats, but against a variety of other pests, including mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice, but also raccoons and martens. Protected by IREPELL®, pests have no chance with your property.



What is a rat infestation?

A rat infestation occurs when the number of rats is so high that it poses a significant threat to human health, building safety and hygiene.

How do I recognize a rat infestation?

Signs of rat infestation include rat droppings, traces of gnawing, walking paths, noises in walls and ceilings, and an unpleasant ammonia smell.

What attracts rats?

Rats are attracted to easily accessible food sources such as leftovers, unsecured garbage cans, and outdoor pet food. Water sources and shelter options are also attractive.

What diseases do rats transmit?

Rats can transmit diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, salmonellosis and Weil's disease.

What helps best against rats?

The most effective against rats is a combination of preventive measures (cleanliness, eliminating food sources) and modern control methods (ultrasound equipment).

Are ultrasound devices safe?

Yes, ultrasound devices such as IREPELL ® are safe for humans and pets as they do not use chemicals and do not leave toxic residues.

How do I place rat traps correctly?

Rat traps should be placed along rat walkways, ideally on walls or in corners where rats often walk. However, it is difficult to catch rats because they are both cautious and intelligent

When should I call a pest controller?

If the rat infestation is out of control or your own measures are not sufficient, a professional pest controller should be consulted.