Discover How IREPELL® Can Safeguard Your Home from Pests and Unwanted Animals

Ratten mit IREPELL® vertreiben - IREPELL

Eliminate Rats with IREPELL®

Rats are not only annoying pests, but also dangerous disease carriers. These rodents can spread numerous pathogens – such as salmonella, leptospira and hantaviruses. In addition, rats like to gnaw...

Eliminate Rats with IREPELL®

Rats are not only annoying pests, but also dangerous disease carriers. These rodents can spread numerous pathogens – such as salmonella, leptospira and hantaviruses. In addition, rats like to gnaw...

Ratten mit Ultraschall bekämpfen - IREPELL

Fight Rats with Ultrasound: Discover IREPELL®'s...

Rats are not only annoying pests, but also potential disease carriers. Conventional methods of controlling rats, such as rat poison and rat traps, are often ineffective or dangerous for pets...

Fight Rats with Ultrasound: Discover IREPELL®'s...

Rats are not only annoying pests, but also potential disease carriers. Conventional methods of controlling rats, such as rat poison and rat traps, are often ineffective or dangerous for pets...

Ratten vertreiben – mit diesen 7 Tipps werden Sie Ratten los! - IREPELL

Drive Away Rats: Discover 7 Tips to Effectively...

When expelling rats, action must be taken quickly and effectively. Because these rodents can be carriers of pathogens and cause considerable damage. At the same time, they multiply rapidly, so there is a need...

Drive Away Rats: Discover 7 Tips to Effectively...

When expelling rats, action must be taken quickly and effectively. Because these rodents can be carriers of pathogens and cause considerable damage. At the same time, they multiply rapidly, so there is a need...

Rattenfalle – darauf sollten Sie unbedingt achten! - IREPELL

Rat Trap: Here’s What You Must Know!

Rat traps are a widely used tool for combating rat infestations. Because rats are feared and at the same time widespread pests. They can cause significant damage, from structural damage to...

Rat Trap: Here’s What You Must Know!

Rat traps are a widely used tool for combating rat infestations. Because rats are feared and at the same time widespread pests. They can cause significant damage, from structural damage to...

Rattenkot – wie er aussieht und wie man ihn erkennt! - IREPELL

Rat Poop: What It Looks Like and How to Recogni...

Do you suspect that you have found rat droppings in your house or garden? Then you should read this post to act right now, becauseRats are almost invisible to us...

Rat Poop: What It Looks Like and How to Recogni...

Do you suspect that you have found rat droppings in your house or garden? Then you should read this post to act right now, becauseRats are almost invisible to us...

Rattenplage – wann spricht man von einem Rattenbefall? - IREPELL

Rat Infestation: When Is It Called a Rat Infest...

A rat infestation is more than just a few rats roaming around your garden or house. Infection with rats can pose serious risks to health and property, so it is...

Rat Infestation: When Is It Called a Rat Infest...

A rat infestation is more than just a few rats roaming around your garden or house. Infection with rats can pose serious risks to health and property, so it is...