Discover How IREPELL® Can Safeguard Your Home from Pests and Unwanted Animals

Katzenschreck – was hilft wirklich bei der Katzenabwehr? - IREPELL

Cat Scare – What Really Helps with Cat Repulsion?

A stray cat that constantly leaves its cat feces in the garden is difficult to control. Often, the victims have already tried many methods of cat defense unsuccessfully. So what really helps if you want...

Cat Scare – What Really Helps with Cat Repulsion?

A stray cat that constantly leaves its cat feces in the garden is difficult to control. Often, the victims have already tried many methods of cat defense unsuccessfully. So what really helps if you want...

Alternativen zu Mückenspray – wie man Stechmücken sonst noch fernhalten kann - IREPELL

Alternatives to Mosquito Spray – Effective Ways...

Mosquitoes are a pervasive nuisance, especially in the warm summer months. Many people therefore resort to mosquito sprays to protect themselves from these annoying pests. But not everyone is enthusiastic about...

Alternatives to Mosquito Spray – Effective Ways...

Mosquitoes are a pervasive nuisance, especially in the warm summer months. Many people therefore resort to mosquito sprays to protect themselves from these annoying pests. But not everyone is enthusiastic about...

Katzenkot im Garten – erkennen, entfernen und vermeiden - IREPELL

Cat Faeces in the Garden – Detect, Remove, and ...

Constantly finding cat droppings in the garden is disgusting. The legacies are not only unpleasant for the eyes and nose: they can even be hazardous to health under certain circumstances. We explain how to recognize cat...

Cat Faeces in the Garden – Detect, Remove, and ...

Constantly finding cat droppings in the garden is disgusting. The legacies are not only unpleasant for the eyes and nose: they can even be hazardous to health under certain circumstances. We explain how to recognize cat...

Hausmittel gegen Marder - was wirklich hilft - IREPELL

Home Remedies for Martens: What Really Works

Martens are a nuisance for many homeowners. These animals can cause significant damage to the building and engine compartment, and even transmit disease. Shredded roof insulation, burst ignition cables are...

Home Remedies for Martens: What Really Works

Martens are a nuisance for many homeowners. These animals can cause significant damage to the building and engine compartment, and even transmit disease. Shredded roof insulation, burst ignition cables are...

Marder mit Essig vertreiben - geht das wirklich? - IREPELL

Driving Martens Away with Vinegar – Is That Rea...

Marten - can they be expelled with vinegar? Martens are small, skillful predators that often nestle in our homes and cars. Their behavior and habits make them a real scourge, especially if they...

Driving Martens Away with Vinegar – Is That Rea...

Marten - can they be expelled with vinegar? Martens are small, skillful predators that often nestle in our homes and cars. Their behavior and habits make them a real scourge, especially if they...

Mücken, Gelsen, Moskitos und Co. – alles zu Verbreitung, Risiken und Abwehr - IREPELL

Mosquitoes, Gels, and More – Everything About S...

Summer evenings on the terrace, a leisurely picnic in the park or a well-deserved holiday by the lake – at the latest when dusk sets in, a quiet but unmistakable...

Mosquitoes, Gels, and More – Everything About S...

Summer evenings on the terrace, a leisurely picnic in the park or a well-deserved holiday by the lake – at the latest when dusk sets in, a quiet but unmistakable...