Discover How IREPELL® Can Safeguard Your Home from Pests and Unwanted Animals

12 Hausmittel gegen Mücken und Gelsen - IREPELL

12 Home Remedies for Mosquitoes and Gels

Summer evenings on the terrace or in the garden are a wonderful way to enjoy the warm days. But as soon as the sun goes down, we are often bothered...

12 Home Remedies for Mosquitoes and Gels

Summer evenings on the terrace or in the garden are a wonderful way to enjoy the warm days. But as soon as the sun goes down, we are often bothered...

Hundeschreck mit Ultraschall – konfliktfrei und schonend - IREPELL

Dog Scare with Ultrasound – Conflict-Free and G...

If a stray dog interferes with the tranquility of the garden on a daily basis, causing damage, leaving dog droppings in the garden, or even exhibiting aggressive behavior, it's time to act. Especially when...

Dog Scare with Ultrasound – Conflict-Free and G...

If a stray dog interferes with the tranquility of the garden on a daily basis, causing damage, leaving dog droppings in the garden, or even exhibiting aggressive behavior, it's time to act. Especially when...

Hundekot: Wie und warum man Verunreinigungen vorbeugen soll - IREPELL

Dog Feces: How and Why to Prevent Contamination

Contamination by dog feces is annoying. They are not a pretty sight and spread an unpleasant smell. Especially when unfamiliar dogs take care of themselves in their own garden, they...

Dog Feces: How and Why to Prevent Contamination

Contamination by dog feces is annoying. They are not a pretty sight and spread an unpleasant smell. Especially when unfamiliar dogs take care of themselves in their own garden, they...

Hunde vertreiben – aber tierfreundlich! Nur wie? - IREPELL

Driving Away Dogs – But Animal-Friendly! How Is...

Stray dogs often cause inconvenience. In addition to feces on the lawn and dug-up beds in the neighbor's garden, in some cases there is even a danger of a four-legged friend...

Driving Away Dogs – But Animal-Friendly! How Is...

Stray dogs often cause inconvenience. In addition to feces on the lawn and dug-up beds in the neighbor's garden, in some cases there is even a danger of a four-legged friend...

Nachbarshund im Garten – wie man ihn konfliktfrei vertreiben kann - IREPELL

Neighbor's dog in the garden – How to drive him...

People love dogs, especially their own. But what if the neighbouring dog constantly gets lost in strange gardens and does its mischief there? This puts neighbourly relations to the test. In...

Neighbor's dog in the garden – How to drive him...

People love dogs, especially their own. But what if the neighbouring dog constantly gets lost in strange gardens and does its mischief there? This puts neighbourly relations to the test. In...

Hund – Wissenswertes im Überblick - IREPELL

Dog – Interesting Facts at a Glance

The dog is not only one of the most popular pets inGermany. Whether house dog, herding dog or hunting dog, dogs have adapted to the needs of humans and have...

Dog – Interesting Facts at a Glance

The dog is not only one of the most popular pets inGermany. Whether house dog, herding dog or hunting dog, dogs have adapted to the needs of humans and have...