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IREPELL.duo | Smart digital animal repeller

IREPELL.duo | Smart digital animal repeller

IREPELL® nutzt den natürlichen Fluchtinstinkt von Tieren, um sie auf gewalt- und chemiefreie Weise zu vertreiben. Es bietet verschiedene Modi zur gezielten Abwehr einzelner Tierarten und einen Automatik-Modus für bis zu 16 Tierarten gleichzeitig. Mit Bewegungs-, Temperatur- und Luftfeuchtigkeitssensoren sowie einem patentierten Ultraschall-Raubtiersound imitiert es natürliche Fressfeinde.

Regular price €495,00 EUR
Regular price €756,00 EUR Sale price €495,00 EUR
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  • Kostenloser Versand
  • 30 Tage risikofrei testen
  • Produziert in Österreich

Product Description

IREPELL® uses the natural flight instinct of various animal species to repel them in a non-violent and chemical-free manner. IREPELL® offers:

  • different modes to specifically fend off individual animal species
  • automatic mode for simultaneous repulsion of 16 different animal species
  • motion, temperature, and humidity sensors
  • patented ultrasonic predator sound that mimics natural predators
  • special garage mode against martens, with a high-power ultrasonic shield and motion simulation
  • long-lasting battery
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth®
  • regular automatic firmware updates
  • mobile app including smart notifications

Scientifically proven

IREPELL® was developed in collaboration with leading experts and institutes in the field of animal defense. Its functionality is based on the latest scientific findings and research results.

Test risk-free for 30 days

Try IREPELL® completely risk-free for 30 days! If you are not convinced by then, you can simply return the product to us – you will be refunded the purchase price.

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Which animals are repelled?

IREPELL® is effective against 16 different types of predators, rodents, insects, and other pests. You can either select a single animal species to be repelled or keep all repellent animal species at a distance in automatic mode.


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Fend off ticks

IREPELL® can expel ticks within a 360° radius. This will keep you protected from the bites of these animals within a radius of about 4 meters.

Zecken im Garten abwehren mit IREPELL

Combating ants

Don't let ants bother you! IREPELL® keeps the crawling pests at bay within a radius of about 4 meters.

Ameisen im Haus, Garten und Terrasse abwehren mit IREPELL

Repelling martens

Whether garage, carport or attic: IREPELL® offers 360° protection with a radius of about 10 meters, from which the device drives martens away.

Automatic Mode

In automatic mode, IREPELL® repels up to 16 different animal species simultaneously. The effective radius depends on the animal species and ranges from approximately 4 to 10 meters.

Keep rodents away

Rats and mice are reliably kept away with IREPELL® – within a radius of about 10 meters around the device.

Fend off cats

IREPELL® reliably keeps unwanted cats away. The 360° safety zone against cats reaches a radius of about 10 meters in all directions.

Katzen im Garten und Terrasse abwehren mit IREPELL

Repel mosquitoes

IREPELL® offers all-round protection against mosquitoes! Within a radius of about 4 meters around the device, the pests have no chance.

Mücken, Stechmücken abwehren mit IREPELL

Smart and ethical pest control

IREPELL® does nothing more than trigger the natural escape instinct of predators, rodents, and insects. No animal is injured or even killed – you just set a clear boundary.

Amazingly easy to set up

The initial setup of IREPELL® is a breeze: the device is charged at the power outlet before it is switched on for the first time and then controlled via the app. This will guide you through the few steps it takes to set up IREPELL®.

With a single push of a button, you can pull up the drawbridge against several uninvited animal species in the future. The app also allows you to switch between different defense modes and track past activities in the IREPELL® environment.

More effective with each update

IREPELL® is constantly learning! With each update, the defense mechanisms are optimized based on new scientific findings and research results. Additionally, the smart device improves both during ongoing operation and through the learning experiences of other IREPELL® devices worldwide.

Equipped with sensors for measuring temperature and humidity, IREPELL® captures the conditions during every successful animal deterrence. Thanks to artificial intelligence, this data flows into the defense algorithms of IREPELL®, making the device increasingly effective.

Silent and free of any chemicals

IREPELL® uses a combination of different defense strategies to mimic the natural predators of repelled animals. An important basis for this is the patented ultrasonic predator sound, which works completely silently for humans.

In addition, IREPELL® is completely free of fragrances and other chemical additives. Rather, it relies on a clean and non-violent expulsion of unwanted animals without harming them. This makes the device completely safe for the health of your family.

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
Based on 92 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 51 Total 4 star reviews: 38 Total 3 star reviews: 3 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
97%would recommend this product
92 reviews
  • I
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago

    Ich bin den Marder im Dachboden nach unzähligen anderen Versuchen mit Hilfe von Irepell dauerhaft los geworden. Es hat ca 1 bis 2 Wochen gedauert, dann war Ruhe. Danke an Irepell. Die Investition hat sich gelohnt.

  • MS
    Mikael S.
    Flag of Sweden
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Effektiv och diskret

    Superenkel att använda och installera snabbt. Den här enhetens design smälter fint in i vår inredning och den är tystlåten för oss människor. Inga kemikalier, vilket gör den säker för hela familjen. Skadedjuren är borta på nolltid!

    8 months ago

    Tack Mikael Svensson för din recension! Vi är glada att höra att du är nöjd med vår produkt. Vänliga hälsningar, IREPELL Team.

  • ML
    Marko L.
    Flag of Finland
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Erinomainen kissakarkotin

    Laite on erittäin helppokäyttöinen ja sen asennus oli todella nopeaa. Ulkonäkökin on tyylikäs ja moderni. Toimii erinomaisesti kissojen karkottamiseen ilman mitään kemikaaleja tai hajuja. Toimitus oli supernopea!

    8 months ago

    Thank you for your kind review, Marko! We're thrilled to hear you're satisfied with our product. Best regards, the IRPELL Team.

  • ES
    Erik S.
    Flag of Sweden
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Supernöjd med myggskyddet!

    Denna produkt är fantastisk! Den är lätt att installera, fungerar utan kemikalier och håller myggen borta effektivt. Leveransen var också mycket snabb.

    8 months ago

    Tack Erik Svensson! Vi är glada att du är nöjd med vår produkt och servicen. Med vänliga hälsningar, IREPELL Team.

  • JN
    Ján N.
    Flag of Slovakia
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Skvelý produkt proti mravcom

    Nainštaloval som tento produkt doma a som úplne spokojný. Inštalácia bola rýchla a jednoduchá, zariadenie funguje skvelo proti mravcom. Okrem toho vyzerá štýlovo a doručenie bolo veľmi rýchle. Obzvlášť oceňujem, že neobsahuje žiadne chemikálie a je tichý.

    9 months ago

    Ďakujeme za Vašu skvelú recenziu, pán Novák! S pozdravom, tím IRPELL.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the detection range of the motion sensor?

The detection range of the IREPELL® motion sensor is 160 degrees around the motion sensor and extends up to a distance of 12 meters.

Can I use the appliance in a cold, unheated garage?

Yes, IREPELL® can also be used in unheated rooms such as garages. Frosty temperatures are no problem.

What is the coverage area of the predator sound?

The ultrasonic predator sound is emitted in a 360-degree range around IREPELL®, extending up to 10 meters in each direction.

The exact range depends on the selected defense mode: the mosquito mode reaches a radius of 4 meters, while the modes for cats, martens, and rats work up to a distance of 10 meters. We are also working on a free software update so that the maximum distance can be limited via the IREPELL® app. For example, pets in the neighborhood will not be disturbed if the coverage area of IREPELL® is larger than the area to be protected in the garden.

Will my dog or cat be repelled if the marten protection is active?

No, all defense modes are designed so that the hearing of dogs and cats is not disturbed. Only if dogs or cats are selected as animals to be repelled will IREPELL® affect them, because the device then operates in the hearing range of the selected animal species.

Will my children hear the ultrasound or other sounds?

No, IREPELL® is designed so that the device cannot be heard by adults or children. The patented ultrasonic predator sound works in a range that is not audible to humans.

Which modes use the flash?

Currently, Marten and Cat modes use the flash, but this can be disabled via the app if desired. It is possible that the flash function will be integrated into other defense modes in the future via software updates. However, this depends on the results of further scientific research in order to use the function only where a benefit is demonstrable. In rats, for example, we have so far not been able to detect any effect of the flashing light.

Which battery does IREPELL® use and how long does it last?

We use a self-controlled high-performance lithium-ion battery pack, with a runtime of several days. In addition, IREPELL® also works in mains operation, eliminating the need for intermediate charging.

IREPELL® im Test