What do we have in common at IREPELL?

At the same time, we are also aware that there are sensitive areas we need to protect from unwelcome intruders. Cockroaches in the kitchen, martens under the hood, and the like have never been our thing. Probably not yours either.

Thus, a team of like-minded individuals formed around the co-founders Johannes and Christian. Bringing animal welfare and animal deterrence into harmony – in this task we could rely on another commonality: the enthusiasm for technology and the conviction that high-tech should be accessible to everyone.

This is what drives us

There are a wide variety of products on the market for repelling and keeping away pests and other animals. Too many, however, cause unnecessary harm to the animals – from various traps to poison. However, this does not align with our ideas of an ethically justifiable, clean, and effective method for animal repulsion. Considering today's technological possibilities, it even seems barbaric to us.

With this in mind, we put our heads together and came up with ideas on how to keep different animals away in a noise-free, odor-free, and chemical-free way. It shouldn't matter whether you're as technologically inclined as we are or simply looking for an easy way to repel animals ethically and sustainably. 

And we found what we were looking for. The idea soon came to us to utilize animals' natural escape reflex by imitating their individual predators – inaudible to humans.

We attach great importance to this

Ultrasound, strobe light, and artificial intelligence: Even though IREPELL® is packed with high-tech, its application is all about simplicity! A push of a button is enough – the 360° security zone is immediately active against unwanted intruders.

The initial setup is also very easy. For this purpose, we have developed an intuitive app that allows you to set up IREPELL® in just a few minutes. And if you want to take a closer look at the device and its functions, the app offers ample opportunities for personalization.

As a Tyrolean company, regional added value and quality are very important to us. That's why the main components of IREPELL®, as well as its packaging and firmware, come from Austria.