Ratten bekämpfen – alles Wissenswerte zur Rattenbekämpfung - IREPELL

Fighting Rats: Everything You Need to Know About Rat Control

Written by: Christian Hochmuth



Time to read 6 min

Rats are far more than just annoying pests – they pose significant health and structural risks. These adaptable rodents are known to spread disease, damage buildings, and destroy crops. 

A rat infestation can quickly get out of control, which is why it is crucial to take effective measures at an early stage. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about rat control. In addition, we will look at how modern technologies such as IREPELL ® can help to combat rats in a way that is gentle on animals – without chemicals, fragrances and violence.

Signs of rat infestation

Rats are predominantly nocturnal and often go unnoticed during the day. It is therefore important to know the signs of rat infestation in order to be able to take countermeasures in good time. This is because rat infestation can cause considerable problems and entail both health risks and material damage.

Typical indications of rat infestation include:

  • Rat faeces: small, dark, spindle-shaped excrement that is about 1 to 2 centimeters long
  • Traces: Damage when rats gnaw on wood, plastic and other materials to wear down their teeth
  • Walking paths: visible paths or abrasive marks in the grass or soil
  • Nests: Nests in protected places such as under stacks of wood, in compost heaps or under garden sheds
  • Rat holes: entrances to underground structures, about 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter
  • Noises: Scratching and scratching noises, especially at dusk or at night
  • Ammonia odor: an unpleasant odor caused by the urine of the rats

Causes of rat infestation

Rats are opportunistic rodents that can quickly adapt to their environment to find food, water, and shelter. For example, a garden can also offer ideal conditions for a rat infestation under certain circumstances.

Food sources that can attract rats

Rats are omnivores and therefore enjoy a wide variety of food sources:

  • Food scraps: Open or poorly secured waste containers and pantry are an attractive food source for rats. Food residues, especially those with a high fat or sugar content, attract them magically.
  • Bird food: Dropped bird food left under feeders provides a convenient source of food.
  • Pet food: Open bowls of dog food, cat food, or food for other outdoor pets are also easily accessible to rats.
  • Compost piles: Uncovered compost piles often contain organic waste, which is a nutritious source for rats. Vegetable and fruit waste in particular attract rats.
  • Garbage cans: Garbage cans with leftovers provide plenty of food for rats. Even a small access can be enough to attract them.

Water sources 

In addition to food, rats also need access to water. Gardens in particular often offer numerous water sources that are attractive to rats:

  • Bird watering: Standing water sources such as bird watering are easily accessible and provide a reliable source of water for rats.
  • Ponds: Garden ponds are attractive water sources for rats, especially in dry seasons.
  • Leaking faucets: Dripping or leaking faucets in the garden or on external walls form constant sources of water.
  • Rainwater barrels: Open or poorly covered rainwater barrels can also serve as a water source for rats.

Hiding places for rats

Rats seek shelter and safe places to nest and hide. In doing so, they estimate:

  • Dense vegetation: Overgrown hedges, bushes and dense vegetation provide protection from predators and humans. Rats use these hideouts to move around unnoticed.
  • Stacks of wood and garden waste: Stacks of wood, piles of leaves and other garden waste provide ideal hiding places and nesting places for rats.
  • Garages, cellars, attics and sheds: these places offer protection from the elements and are often less frequented, making them ideal hiding places.
  • Compost piles: Compost piles are also attractive as a nesting place, as they provide warmth and cover.

Access to buildings

Rats take every opportunity to enter buildings where they can find other sources of food and shelter:

  • Open doors and windows: Insufficiently closed or left open doors and windows provide rats with easy access to indoor spaces.
  • Ventilation ducts and cracks: Damaged or unsealed ventilation ducts, pipes and cracks in the building envelope are perfect entry points.
  • Sewerage: Rats often use underground sewer systems to move around unnoticed and gain access to homes and gardens.

Other factors for rat infestation in the garden

Some additional factors that can promote rat infestation in the garden are:

  • Outdoor pet food: If you are feeding pets outdoors, you should remove the food afterwards to avoid attracting rats.
  • Bird food in winter: In winter, when natural food sources are scarce, bird feeders become particularly attractive to rats.
  • Messy gardens: A messy garden with plenty of hiding places is a rat's paradise. Regular cleaning can help keep rats out.

By understanding the causes of rat infestation in the garden and taking targeted measures to minimise food, water and shelter sources, the risk of infestation can be significantly reduced.


Traditional methods for controlling rats

Traditional methods of combating rats include not only poison, but also different types of traps. However, this often raises questions about the safety of humans and pets as well as ethical aspects.

Blow Traps and Live Traps

Strike traps are mechanical traps that kill rats with a quick strike. They are easy to use and effective, but not the most humane method. Live traps, on the other hand, catch rats alive so that they can be released afterwards. This method is more humane but requires regular review to remove and release the trapped animals in a timely manner.

Control of rats with the help of rat poison

Rat poison is a widely used method of controlling rats. It often works by inhibiting blood clotting, leading to internal bleeding and eventually death of the animals. However, the use of rat poison carries considerable risks:

  • Secondary Poisoning: Pets and wildlife can also be harmed by eating poisoned rats.
  • Danger for children: Rat poison is also dangerous for children if it is not placed safely.
  • Environmental pollution: The use of rat poison can lead to pollution of the environment.


Modern methods for controlling rats

In view of the numerous concerns about traditional means of combating rats, technological methods have established themselves as a proven and gentle alternative to effectively expel rats.

Ultrasound equipment for rat control

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are inaudible to humans and pets, but extremely unpleasant to rats. These devices interfere with the orientation and communication of the rats and thus expel them from the affected area.

Ultrasonic devices are silent to humans, environmentally friendly and do not leave toxic residues, making them a safe and effective method of pest control.

IREPELL® – the innovative rat control solution

IREPELL® provides an advanced, humane and environmentally friendly rat repellent solution. It uses motion sensors and ultrasound to effectively expel rats.

Benefits of IREPELL®:

  • Effective defense: Ultrasound effectively repels rats – scientifically proven
  • Easy to use: easy to install and control via a user-friendly app
  • Long range: protects with a 360° shield through a far-reaching ultrasonic signal
  • Environmentally friendly: no chemicals or toxins, so no toxic residues

IREPELL® is easy to set up via the intuitive app. Then a push of a button on the device is enough to activate its 360° protective shield. You can also use the app to switch between different animal species to be repelled by IREPELL ®.

In addition to rats, ticks, ants, mosquitoes, moths and cockroaches as well as martens, mice or raccoons can also be kept away. This makes IREPELL® the ideal companion in everyday life – whether at the barbecue, by the pool or during a leisurely picnic.

Take advantage of modern technologies such as IREPELL® to keep rats out in the long term and protect your health and property.



How to get rid of rats?

Combine prevention with active control: seal access points, remove food sources and use traps or ultrasound equipment such as IREPELL®.

What to do if you have rats in the garden?

If you have rats in the garden, keep them clean, remove food scraps and compost heaps, seal possible hiding places, and use live traps or ultrasound equipment.

What to do if you have rats in the house?

Seal all access points, eliminate food sources, and use impact traps, live traps, or ultrasonic devices for defense.

Why do you get rats?

Rats are attracted to easily accessible food sources and safe havens, such as open garbage cans, leftovers, and unsealed buildings.

What helps best against rats?

A combination of preventive measures (sealing access, removing food sources) and active control (traps, ultrasound equipment such as IREPELL®) is most effective against rats.

Where do rats build their nests in the garden?

Rats prefer to nest in protected, undisturbed areas such as under stacks of wood, in compost heaps, under sheds or in dense bushes.

What keeps rats away?

Regular cleaning, safe storage of food, the use of odour deterrents (e.g. peppermint oil) and ultrasound equipment such asIREPELL ® keep rats away.

How do you recognize a rat infestation?

Signs of rat infestation include rat faeces, damage from gnawing, walking paths, scratching noises and damaged food packaging.