Discover How IREPELL® Can Safeguard Your Home from Pests and Unwanted Animals

Marder bekämpfen - Endlich Hilfe für nachhaltige Abwehr - IREPELL

Fight Martens - Finally, Sustainable Defense So...

Do you know this problem? You get in your car, start and nothing happens? A marten has enjoyed himself again in the engine compartment. They have already tried home remedies,...

Fight Martens - Finally, Sustainable Defense So...

Do you know this problem? You get in your car, start and nothing happens? A marten has enjoyed himself again in the engine compartment. They have already tried home remedies,...

Ratten bekämpfen – alles Wissenswerte zur Rattenbekämpfung - IREPELL

Fighting Rats: Everything You Need to Know Abou...

Rats are far more than just annoying pests – they pose significant health and structural risks. These adaptable rodents are known to spread disease, damage buildings, and destroy crops.  A...

Fighting Rats: Everything You Need to Know Abou...

Rats are far more than just annoying pests – they pose significant health and structural risks. These adaptable rodents are known to spread disease, damage buildings, and destroy crops.  A...

Ratten im Haus – was kann ich jetzt tun? - IREPELL

Rats in the House – What Can I Do Now?

A rat infestation in the house is not only a major nuisance, but also a serious threat to health and safety. Because these rodents can transmit diseases, cause damage to...

Rats in the House – What Can I Do Now?

A rat infestation in the house is not only a major nuisance, but also a serious threat to health and safety. Because these rodents can transmit diseases, cause damage to...

Die Ratte – alle Infos über Ratten - IREPELL

The Rat – All You Need to Know

In this comprehensive guide, we explore everything there is to know about rats: from their general characteristics, to their habitat and distribution, to how to respond in an ethically justifiable...

The Rat – All You Need to Know

In this comprehensive guide, we explore everything there is to know about rats: from their general characteristics, to their habitat and distribution, to how to respond in an ethically justifiable...

Ratten im Garten – das sollten Sie tun! - IREPELL

Rats in the Garden – Here's What You Should Do!

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ratten im Garten effektiv bekämpfen und Ihr Zuhause schützen können.

Rats in the Garden – Here's What You Should Do!

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ratten im Garten effektiv bekämpfen und Ihr Zuhause schützen können.

Rattengift (Rodentizid) – diese schonenden Alternativen zum Rattengift sollten Sie unbedingt kennen! - IREPELL

Rat Poison (Rodenticide) – Discover These Gentl...

Christian Pride Co-founder of IREPELL and responsible for technical development. The use of rat poison is a common method of pest control, but it poses significant risks to the environment...

Rat Poison (Rodenticide) – Discover These Gentl...

Christian Pride Co-founder of IREPELL and responsible for technical development. The use of rat poison is a common method of pest control, but it poses significant risks to the environment...